Um espelho. Um rosto. Uma jovem mulher. Olhava-se e perseguia o que o vidro espelhado por trás escondia. Quem era? Mulher? Menina? Que futuro cumpriria? Do reflexo descia ao que era. No corpo, a moda do tempo comum a gentes diversas. Era a diferença, a sua e que só ela via, a perturbá-la. Era ilha em lago apainelado pela calmaria. Assustavam-na as perguntas teimosas com resposta vadia que a si própria endereçava.
Desde cedo esgravatara o fundo das verdades até encontrar a «sem verdade» oculta. Nas verdades propaladas adivinhava fogo-de-artifício. Retóricas. Orientavam-na as que tecia - o amor, o casamento, filhos. A vida «certinha», florida, sem desarranjos casuísticos. Sem abdicar dos projectos e ideais nómadas.
Um espelho. Um rosto. Uma mulher. Suspensa a azáfama, voltou à imagem devolvida. A perplexidade, a sede antiga não foram saciadas. Dos olhos desdobravam-se rídulas - nunca fora avarenta no riso. Aprendera a embrumar a ilha da diferença que, adolescente, pensara morada definitiva. A domar o maniqueu pessoal. A conciliar vida «certinha» com ausência de sofá capitonê em seda rosa e flores. Ontem e hoje, ideais açoitados por ventos desnudavam-na ao colarem-lhe a roupa ao corpo onde o espírito é. E vivia. De modo real e urgente.
E essa musca tipo pimba e enche Coliseus comé que se chama o gajo .... pronto já malembro ë o Tony Carreira da familia dos Tonys (bon genre mais helás ancien régime... Quanto âs "transformaçoes" como dizia o Lenine (adoro) Aprender.... aprender sempre... E a musca esta?
pimba será outra coisa... e enche Coliseus também pode ser não pimba, felizmente
In recent years, a "pimba-pride" movement emerged, with fans and artists stating it is "the" contemporary Portuguese folk music, and arguing that music doesn't have to always be profound and elevated. Some intellectuals came to accept this view, recognizing that, in a proper context, this genre is unquestionably entertaining and amusing.
A parallel between Pimba and American country music audiences can be drawn - nevertheless the lyrics of country are usually of a more serious nature and its musical content is more complex and based on genuine folk tradition.
mas «I believe in you» é mesmo doutro género e não se compara aos Zapas
"I Believe in You (Je crois en toi)", a 2006 song by Celine Dion and Il Divo
Il Divo are not the first opera singers who have performed and recorded with Céline Dion. She had previously collaborated with Luciano Pavarotti on "I Hate You Then I Love You" and Andrea Bocelli on "The Prayer." The latter has been also performed by Dion and Josh Groban.
Il Divo sings in English, Italian, Spanish, French, and Latin. Il Divo was named the Most Multinational UK No.1 Album Group in the 2006 edition of the Guinness Book of World Records.
as audiências e as vendas, se tiver abertura para proporções
há rock para muitos gostos e desgostos... e há 'pimbas' muito bem trabalhados ;-)
os Divos são cantores de ópera e não brincam em serviço, ok?
An article in the local press describing Zappa as "the Movie King of Cucamonga" prompted the local police to suspect that he was making pornographic films. In March 1965, Zappa was approached by a vice squad undercover officer, and accepted an offer of $100 to produce a suggestive audio tape for an alleged stag party. Zappa and a female friend recorded a faked erotic episode. When Zappa was about to hand over the tape, he was arrested, and the police stripped the studio of all recorded material. The press was tipped off beforehand, and next day's The Daily Report wrote that "Vice Squad investigators stilled the tape recorders of a free-swinging, a-go-go film and recording studio here Friday and arrested a self-styled movie producer". Zappa was charged with "conspiracy to commit pornography". This felony charge was reduced and he was sentenced to six months in jail on a misdemeanor, with all but ten days suspended. His brief imprisonment left a permanent mark, and was key in the formation of his anti-authoritarian stance. Zappa lost several recordings made at Studio Z in the process, as the police only returned 30 out of 80 hours of tape seized. Eventually, he could no longer afford to pay the rent on the studio and was evicted. Zappa managed to recover some of his possessions before the studio was torn down in 1966.