Terça-feira, 18 de Outubro de 2011


Trevor Heath


You must remember this,
A kiss is still a kiss,
A sigh is just a sigh;
The fundamental things apply

As time goes by.

"Play it again, Sam" e não alteres o tom. Conserva o andamento e permite-me emendar erros que cometi. Isenta de arrependimento. Deles fruindo pelas doces e voluptuosas memórias do ontem próximo. Pela utopia, pela realidade experimentada, pelo conjecturado futuro. Falhado este, vívido aquele. Assim foi para nada ser.

And when two lovers woo,
They still say, "I love you ",
0n that you can rely;
No matter what lhe future brings
As time goes by.

"Play it again, Sam", a frase que nunca existiu. Se ela aguentou, qualquer pode aguentar. “Toca, Sam” foi o de facto dito por Rick após Ilse sair do bar. Ela de coração partido, ele de copo na mão. Os (des)encontros da vida, erros que o (não) foram e derrubaram futuros. Tortuosa realidade comprimindo a simplicidade dos sentimentos. De quem deixa ou se escusa à luta.

Moonlight and love songs - never out of date,
Hearts full of passion - jealousy and hate;
Woman needs man - and man must have his mate,
That no one can deny.

"Play it again, Sam", como sussurro sob o roncar do avião que levará Ilse. Ao despedir-se, pergunta: _ “E nós, Rick?” Ele não hesita: _ “Nós teremos sempre Paris.” Paris, ou outro lugar, digo. Como Rick no diálogo antológico com uma mulher no bar. Quando ela pergunta o que havia ele feito na noite anterior, Rick, indiferente, responde: _ "Faz muito tempo para que eu me lembre". Insistente, ela indaga o que ele fará naquela noite. Ouve como resposta: _ "Não costumo fazer planos a longo prazo". Também eu.

lt's still lhe same old story
A fight for love and glory,
A case of do or die
The world will always welcome lovers
As time goes by.




publicado por Maria Brojo às 06:57
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16 comentários:
De she a 19 de Outubro de 2011
Xiiiiiiiiii, os rapazes estão tão românticos, Teresa!- eu cá prefiro esta :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGU_4-5RaxU&ob=av3e

(há que se pôr a mexer os "pain in the ass", ainda que se esteja no rehab, tipo a reciclagem da música da malograda Amy Winehouse :) they try to get me go to rehab and I say I´ll go, I´ll go,`I´ll go, just give me some years to let me know what the fuck did actually happened...I´m almost there...let me know, let me know, let me know
De Cão do Nilo a 19 de Outubro de 2011
E os "raparigos" estão quê?
E que tal esta "Armanda" para os supracitados....


Bio da Armanda:

Born in 1946 in Hong Kong from an English/French father who served for the French army in Indochina and an Asian/Russian mother, Amanda was raised in the South of France and in Switzerland. In addition to two mother languages ( French and English ) she also learnt German, Spanish and Italian before she reached 18, making her a talented young polyglot. Her passion is Art and at the tender age of 16 she went to Paris to study painting before joining in 1964 the famous St Martins School in London. She became chums with Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones and a wild child of the London nights. Her stunning Eurasian features attracted attention of Catherine Harlé, head of the most famous European model agency.

In 1965 she returned to Paris to catwalk for Paco Rabanne and Yves St Laurent. During this staying she met Salvador Dali who wanted her as a model. She became his muse and closest friend for over 15 years. She has told this period in her book "My life with Dali" published worldwide in 1985.:Dali is a genius who likes ambiguity and he tends to talk to women as they were men. From this will come the legend and rumour about the transexuality of Amanda Lear.

In 1973 while pursuing a successfull model career (she was featured as covers for Marie France or Elle magazines but just pages in Vogue because of the rumour ! ), her long time fan Bryan Ferry asked her to pose for the cover of their LP "For Your Pleasure". The cover became as famous as the record himself!. David Bowie then the Top UK Rock artist falls in love with her and they will stay together for over a year . He wanted her to sing and she actually participatesd in his "Midnight Special" shown on NBC in 1974. De Fries ,Bowie producer, signed her but nothing happened.

In 1975 she signed with Strum production and released her 1st single on legendary UK record company: Creole Records. "Trouble" was a cover of the Presley song. The "B" side is written by Amanda and La Bionda( who became famous as a disco band with "One for you" and as producer of "Vamos a la playa" righeira in the 80 's ). The single was released in France in French language version by Polydor. It is this latter version that was released by Ariola in March 76. It was an unexpected success in DISCO while the title has nothing to do with disco! It leaded Ariola to propose Amanda to do a real DISCO single with German producer Anthony Monn recorded in Munich . This single featured what will be Lear's trademark :intellectual lyrics written by Amanda herself, music written by Monn, luxious arrangements by Charly Ricaneck, back up vocalists for the chorus and her deep voice even deeper with the help of dozens of cigarettes and a glass of whisky as she revealed later!. Released for Xmas 76 , the single tops the disco chart and goes to n°12 on the Sales chart, in Italy it will go to N°4. Ariola signed her for 7 year and 6 albums for a figure considered as astronomic by Amanda herself. She wanted to become a rock singer and Disco will make her immensely wealthy

Her audience mixed young teenagers, housewifes and gays!

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