Vá vadiando e que lhe faça proveito! Destes cromos Va Vas já temos para a troca .... Cuando canta el gallo negro es porque se acaba el día cuando canta el gallo negro es porque se acaba el dia si cantara el gallo rojo otro gallo cantaría
Se miraron en la arena los dos gallos frente a frente se miraron en la arena los dos gallos frente a frente el gallo negro era grande pero el rojo era valiente
Se miraron frente a frente Find more similar lyrics on http://mp3lyrics.com/5dDoy atacó el negro primero se miraron frente a frente y atacó el negro primero el gallo rojo es valiente pero el negro traicionero
Gallo negro gallo negro gallo negro te lo advierto gallo negro gallo negro gallo negro te lo advierto no se rinde un gallo rojo solo cuando ya esta muerto no se rinde un gallo rojo solo cuando ya esta muerto
Vadiando ? Aí vadiava-se nos 70 ainda a mnina era situacionista.... I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping While my guitar gently weeps I look at the floor and I see it needs sweeping Still my guitar gently weeps I don't know why nobody told you how to unfold your love I don't know how someone controlled you They bought and sold you.
I look at the world and I notice it's turning While my guitar gently weeps [- From :http://www.elyrics.net/read/b/beatles-lyrics/while-my-guitar-gently-weeps-lyrics.html -] With every mistake we must surely be learning Still my guitar gently weeps I don't know how you were diverted You were perverted too I don't know how you were inverted No one alerted you.
I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping While my guitar gently weeps Look at you all... Still my guitar gently weeps.